Thursday, June 6, 2013

Blog Revival

I let too much time pass.  Then I almost forgot about it.  Then I added some new "things to do" to my To Do list and I really didn't have time.  It's been over a year since I blogged regularly and I still don't have the time, but I'm determined to try! 

I enjoy posting and interacting on Facebook.  (You can "like" my page here )  I'm trying to figure out Pinterest--it's very cool, but still a little complicated from a "marketing" perspective.  I'm ashamed to admit I haven't sent out an email newsletter in far too long. 

There's just so much stuff involved in running a business these days.  And for me, all the online/social stuff is in addition to making my jewelry, filling online orders, and interacting with customers in my store!  Like I said, I'm determined to try to work it all in, to make a more effective schedule so that I don't run out of "day" before I run out of "things to do".  I'm starting with this blog.  Consider this the REVIVAL!


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